Friday, 15 July 2011


I awoke; not knowing the contents of my soul

So I flicked through the glossary of my imagination and decided that I'll read the first chapter of writing and reading my own poetry

Chapter by chapter I thought of and dismissed many ideas until I decided that I'll be happy; what I wanted was to be happy

So, as the story continued I was continuously interrupted by my thoughts; thoughts relating to happiness.
I put a bookmark in the book that I was writing that i was reading and allowed myself to think

Heres the joke; I thought I knew what would bring me happiness but then I realised that writing this book that I was reading was actually my personalised manual to happiness.....and I wrote it

My poetry was indeed my happiness

I vowed to entrust in my words and with that, happiness would soon come

So I came to the conclusion that I'd write, read and edit my "Book of Happiness" in order to suit me

It's essential that we all write, read, write and read the "Book of Happiness".

Discover what makes you happy and be happy with your discovery

By the way- the "Book of Happiness" isn't actually a book...its errr...its actually about the message in the poem....Create your own happiness


  1. we each write our own book...and its even better when we can write it together...

  2. This is a very true though Don. I like that when I write, I don't actually write. The Poem will write itself. I am accused of writing dark poetry. I don't write dark poetry, it writes itself like it is coming directly from my veins to my paper. I totally understand where you coming from here. This is a true thought, a wonderful way to be happy, our writing makes us happy, it gives us the world that lives in the recesses of our minds. It is the purest form of communication I can do. I like it. Thanks for reaching out on Twitter to me. I appreciate the courage it takes to share our babies which are our words.
