Monday, 13 June 2011

Gates Of Our Society

How many times in your life have you said to someone "I do what i want"?
Countless times right?
Yet we fail to realise that Society controls the boundaries in which we reach
We "do what we want" within Society's compound, abiding by their rules & regulations
BUT we unknowingly hold the key to those gates
It called knowledge
Knowledge holds no boundaries, no restrictions

We use the terms; "I can't and I don't know" as a justification for not exploring deeper than the surface
Theres an answer to everything, easy enough to find
We have no excuse People
Education is free...
You wouldn't turn down a free shopping spree
But you walk away from knowledge as if its walking towards you with an Assault Rifle
14 years (reception-college) of knowledge handed to us on a plate
And still, we fail to make use of it
Lack of priorities is my guess....

1 comment:

  1. The boundaries for some are unfortunately limited. They are wired that way. It has taken me a long time to deal with that. Some folk stagnate to a singular understanding of things. They do not broaden beyond what they see and hear; despite all is not what it may seem. They wear blinkers and do not see the world in its most beautiful panoramic views of what is and what is not.
    You are right, for those who seek knowledge their boundaries become infinite.
    The more you learn, the more you realize you know almost nothing.
    We all have different levels of understanding according to one’s own reality. Keeping with your reality and not conforming to anyone else’s, or society’s had book of ‘rules’ it a feat indeed!!!!
    Depth, the most underestimated, underrated and almost forgotten level in western civilization.
    Now you got my damned writing head on!!
    I lost so much of my website data. I need to re-write!
    Finding articles that inspire a response is a compliment to the writer. Nice work.
